"The issue of human life and its preservation and development is one that begins with conception and ends only when God calls a person back to himself in death. If we are consistent, then, we must be concerned about life from beginning to end. It is like a seamless garment; either it all holds together or eventually it all falls apart." Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, 1975
This is a resource page and blog on life issues and the impact on both individuals and society. It is meant to be comprehensive for all who are concerned with life issues. Therefore, a web site listed may not be in agreement with the Catholic teaching on a particular life issue.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


“There are no words to excuse the killing of innocents.”  Barak Obama to the United Nations 2012-10

A  strange quote to come from a person who fully supports unlimited abortion.  One could argue that he was speaking of the loss of civilian life in the civil was in Syria.  But those words ought to be able to stand alone.  One could argue that the unborn do not qualify as people and therefore do not belong in the category of ‘innocents”.  When one is conceived, one begins to exist.  At that point no one else has the right to determine whether one is entitled to exist, unless one empowers another with that right (i.e. living, DNR, etc.).  One’s existence begins at conception and at death, physically ends, but continues on with God.  He, as the source of our existence, is the only One entitled to the power of life or death.

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