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Sunday, February 9, 2020

The Democratic party and Pro-Life

Just what is keeping the Democratic party from even trying to woo millions of pro-life voters, who hold to the principles of the past, where every human individual's life has valued and ought to be cared for? Is it the power that NARAL and Planned Parenthood have over you, like the power that the NRA has over the Republican party? Make any move that supports a policy that hints of being just a little pro-life; and they jump all over you, screaming of a woman's right to choose, limiting access to health care and shaming women. Why did you give them such power? Being cynical, I would say the promise of votes. So, you pander to the pro-choice supporters just as the Republicans do to pro-life. 

The words are all there, but really? Is it choice when the party does not PUBLICLY and STRONGLY
push for meaningful options for women who want to choose life but think that abortion is the only option? Is it caring for women when the party doesn't support legislation that regulates abortion clinics to the sanitary standards of other health facilities, or even places like hair salons? Is it shaming women to let them know as much as possible about the unique human individuals that are living inside of them before abortion and sparing them the consequences when  they realize they have ended a human life later? (Yes, women still do say that they were told that they are getting rid of a clump of cells. And, yes those pro-life facilities that do give women the knowledge of their fetus and other available choices are labeled as anti-choice.) Is the Democratic party saying in reality that women are too stupid to make their own choices when fully informed? (I have read how abortion counselors give out information with a bias towards how an abortion would be the best choice.)

The Democratic party is unrecognizable from the party that I knew as a teenager and young adult. That party fought for the civil rights and the dignity of ALL human individuals, regardless of the stage of life. That party held the promise of a better, greater nation, once we got out of the quagmire of the Vietnam war. 

That party is gone, but not forgotten by those of us who knew it then. That party is gone, but wished for by the millions of pro-lifers of all ages. 

The nation is changing, just as in the 1950's and 1960's when the civil rights movement challenged the party. The party moved to support civil rights and a lot of voters became and still are Republicans. The Democratic party was the better for it. 

In its continuing move to the radical pro-choice position, the voters who were in the party in the 1960's and 1970's, like me, also turned to the Republican party. But that was also a false hope. There are millions of pro-life voters who see neither party as an option for this nation.
Now, there are people of all types declaring to be pro-life. It is not only Democrats for the Life of America. It is not only Catholics; I am one. There are Pro-Life Muslims, Jewish Pro-life Foundation, National Black Pro-life Union. It is Secular Pro-life.  It is Feminists for Life. It is New Wave Feminists. It is Students for Life. It is Rehumanize International. 

The Democratic party is going to be left behind if it doesn't recognize that this is not the 1980's anymore, or the 1990's. If you do not support a candidate who can manage to bring the two sides together on common concerns for women, then the Democratic party will not be able to beat Trump in November. 

Your choice.



National Black Pro-Life Union

January 2019

President Donald J. Trump
The White House

Attention: White House Public Liaison Office
Washington, DC

Dear President Trump,

Thank you for your service to the people of America. Mindful of your compassion for the “soul of America,” we are writing with an urgent request.

While we fully understand your concern for the safety and security of the American people, as well as compassionate consideration for innocent immigrants, we are requesting that you also consider addressing another American crisis by declaring that the abortion of a child - notably deemed by science and philosophy as a living human product - in the womb is a crime against humanity.

While considering a barrier or a wall to protect the people of America and to assist the innocent immigrants who desire to come into our country, we pray that you will also remember the babies in the womb, according to science and philosophy, are human beings waiting to be born.

The scourge of abortion of human beings in the womb is an American crisis. Please declare that abortion of pre-born human beings is a national crisis.

Just this week on January 22, 2019 the Governor of New York signed into law The Reproductive Health Act, an approval to kill even more of our American children, especially African American children. Already in New York more Black babies were being aborted than were born. Sir, we are asking you to declare that abortion is a crime against humanity.

Again, America is in a state of crisis, at our geographical borders and in the sanctuaries of the wombs of our mothers. America is besieged and beleaguered by serious crimes against humanity with abortion of human beings at the top of the list.

We are very concerned that all of the candidates that announced their bid to run for president in 20/20 chose to rise on the anniversary of the celebration of the 90th birthday of the prophet Martin Luther King, Jr.; and did so being fully in league with America’s massive abortion industry while backed by Black faith-based leaders under the auspices of the the Negro Project; a genocide project with longstanding and deadly intent.

They all remain in league to commit genocide and eugenics against African American babies. One third of the babies aborted in America are African American babies while we remain the least of these in numbers of population (about 12%).

Mr. President, we salute you for addressing crimes against humanity, notably demonstrated yet again with your recent signing of the Frederick Douglass Anti-Human Trafficking Law. Thank you for recognizing the legacy of Frederick Douglass and his incredible efforts against slavery. Thank you for recognizing that human trafficking is today's modern slavery; all slavery is a crime against humanity. Abortion is another form of slavery; with the human child in the womb held hostage.

A crime against humanity occurs when the government withdraws legal protection from a class of human beings as they did with African American slaves in our American past. There is very little if any protection for the unborn human baby. 

We also urge you to declare that abortion occurs in the human sex trafficking cycle; often these are forced abortions; all indicative of more crimes against humanity. 

We have denied legal protection to a class of human beings, children in the womb. As the Supreme Court has said in describing the contents of the woman's womb, "While we find no reliable data to measure the phenomenon, it seems unexceptionable to conclude some women come to regret their choice to abort the INFANT LIFE they once created and sustained." "Severe depression and loss of esteem can follow." (emphasis added) Gonzales v. Carhart, 550 U.S. 124 (2007).

Mr. President, we the undersigned individuals urge you to make a public declaration to this effect; that abortion of a child in the womb is a crime against humanity; and to sanction The Moral Outcry Petition at www.themoraloutcry.com and other factual statements in support of the sanctity of life.

Again, Mr. president, thank you for your continuing leadership to promote human dignity and the sanctity of human life regardless of condition of servitude, color of skin, or length of days.

God bless you and God bless America. 

Respectfully Submitted,

Evangelist Alveda King
Civil Rights for The Unborn

Dr. Day Gardner
National Pro-Life Union on Capitol Hill

Rev. Dean Nelson
Human Coalition

Bruce LeVell
National Diversity Coalition for Trump

Allan Parker, Esquire
The Justice Foundation